Michelle - Home Office Careers

I have worked since the age of 14 either in retail or admin, but all my work has been customer focused as

I joined the Home Office 9 years ago because I saw it as a good opportunity to provide a valuable service to the public and start a professional career. There are also many benefits which attracted me to work for the Home Office. Such as the exciting opportunities available for learning/career development, flexible working, job security, and good pension.

My main role involves examining passport application forms which can be paper or online and making informed decisions on whether the applicant is entitled to a British passport. I always ensure I maintain my knowledge of current legislation, policy, procedure, and security guidelines to process the applications accurately. This is important as my work involves many different processes depending on the application type, for example: Renewal, Lost and Stolen, New Child and New Adult.

I also liaise with different parts of HMPO such as the Counter Fraud Team, Customer Services and Public Counter. There are also urgent or compassionate applications, which require more complex examination and are fast paced so that we can get the passport printed in time for the customer’s travel needs.

What I enjoy most about the job is being challenged; the job is never boring because there are so many different policy changes and application types that there is always something new to learn.

If you were considering a career in the Home Office? I would say that it is a great opportunity to work in a professional role delivering vital public service which gives you a sense of fulfilment. There is also a wide range of opportunities for career development in many different parts of the department.