Sam (Comms) - Home Office Careers

At school, I studied English Literature and Creative Writing, and then took a Masters’ in Creative Writing at University. I’m also passionate about public service and wanted to work somewhere that I’d have the chance to play a role – however small – in making a difference to the way things are done in Government. I applied for the Government Communications Service (GCS) thinking it would be a great way of linking up these interests.

I chose the Home Office because I was really taken by the sheer breadth of the department’s work and thought I’d get the opportunity to play a part in some of the most important issues of the day. I’ve now been here for 5½ years.

It’s a bit of a cliché but working in communications means no two days are ever the same; you can be working on Brexit-related communications one day, then spend a day with Border Force officers training Detector Dogs. Work here is a combination of meetings, strategy planning, creative writing, filming & video editing, and (COVID permitting) travelling.

What I enjoy most about the job is working with incredible, collaborative people. Everyone I’ve met is motivated by a genuine desire to help and do good, which is pretty special.

So, if you are thinking about working in the Home Office, I would say – to borrow a well-known advertising slogan – Just do it!